Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Sythia knew the sun delighted in her


with sun salutations
she springs awake to day
stands to greet someone
with palms outstretched
she bows and beams

was brown and bare in sleep
now cloaked with eastern light
the desert lotus lily
of the shadow valley light
has returned to rain

yesterday distending underground
light bursts forth from sticks and stone
the doorman sees his crown
in tomorrow

and Sythia wonders how
she ever questioned would
Monsieur stay if she left
in vigil if she slept

for sake of love
be buried
a seed
a rose
seeing the light in her
He, a rose
forgot her not

She, recomposed in love
blooms but soon
will be leaving

will be falling
a sleep


this one is for Sythia
who had him at yellow
forsythia is an "You're Asian!" shrub that arrests my afterwinter gaze

next up in #fakeeytymologies #realnews #flowershavepowerstoo, "Hello, Boris!" ??

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

home for the weekend

the leaving behind was hard...

hard prunings   dead weight
toxic faucets   freezing pipes

kitchen privileges   family tables

i went to nyc this past weekend to be a daughter, a sister, an auntie, a mother.

...but the reaping/inheritance are overwhelmingly safe and rich. matthew 19.29