Lava'ed it. Cried, of course. Docter has created something special and valuable. A gamechanger –– in that it can change the conversation by providing a common vocabulary to lift an explanatory fog. He's telling the stories that will capture imagination across generations. Story arcs that depict full humanity. In Up, the protagonist was a dwelling place (house). In Inside Out, Riley('s mind) is a setting. This guy (a member of First Presbyterian Church) gets the elements of narrative.
Filing away:
- The facts and opinions boxes commingling
- Gravity moment
- Abstraction into shapes and colors and swirls
- Pearls of core memories
- Threshold moments – formative transitions
- Joy taking a backseat
- Sadness signaling for help/comfort
- Each character had a different driving emotion
- Emotions coloring memories & retouching them
- (In/voluntary) memories affecting emotions
- The troublemakers in the subconscious
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