It was always this way with their comings and goings, my goings and comings, our waiting and wanting. It was always worth it, even indulgent.
What is it like to be 1-year new, Gram? Asthma-free and baby skin and all.
Your hand-me-downs made me smile today:
- Your custom tailored dresses that fit like magic. Like I came from you or something. I donned the most outrageous one, the blue and white and crazy all over one, for my new driver's license photo. You never did get to ride in my car.
- Your sassypants, which were a little too small for your sass, you little bonsai Grandma you
- Your love of hats and accessorizing
- You played volleyball and dodgeball
- Your bible's margins, their long memory
- Your worldtrotting and pearl purchasing
- Your Mary Poppins bags, ever-ready
- Your crazy diets, one new thing at a time.
Oatmeal, ginger lemonade, vinegar, green tea, red wine. - Your midnight carboloading, always salty and crunchy.
- Your penmanship
- Your extraversion
- Your haggling and barguing skills
- Your love of food and feasting
- Your chicken coop stories, drunk chicks
- Your use of organ meats and offal. Mottainai.
- Your plinkering piano
- Your chaotic kitchen, always a ferment going or stock stewing
- Your nightly massage ritual –– now to find someone as doting as Gramps . . .
- Your knife, the way it meets a whole fish
- Our epic red wine & Jenga night
- How you would attack my chin with gobbles and kisses
- Squeezing in the back seat with you
- That time you sassed me for underestimating the walk from the MRT to the Floral Expo
- Walking s l o w l y with you
- Laying my head in your lap to pray
- Your winggirl thing
- Figure drawing
- Your giggles
- Talking my ear off on the phone
- Your birthday cards
- Singing with you
- "特特!"
- ちびや
- "白目!!"
- 啊帽 - 帽子的帽
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